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3 Things Your Lawyer Forgot to Tell You


As a client walking into your first meeting with your lawyer, you might have certain expectations, perceptions, or even misunderstandings about your case.

You might think it’s as simple as justifying your claim and waiting for a quick resolution.

But the reality is, legal cases are more complicated than they appear.

I will walk you through a few things that lawyers often forget to mention during initial meeting.


1: Duration of the Case

The duration of your case can depend heavily on the attitude of the other party and their lawyer. While we may be ready to proceed quickly, the other side may drag their feet and decline to actively engage in dispute resolution.

2: Disbursements

Disbursements are out-of-pocket costs such as court filing fees, searches, and process server fees. If required, expert reports can be at a significant cost.

You would have to pay for disbursements personally, with or without a lawyer.

Disbursements are charged on top of your legal fees.

3: Document Exchange

The Rules of Court requires you to prepare a comprehensive list of documents to be delivered to the other side. This list can include contracts, emails, and text messages.

Failing to provide these documents on time can significantly delay your case.


While the legal process can be complex, lawyers at Metrotower Law Chambers will guide you through it.

Contact us for a free consultation.

About Us

The lawyers at Metrotower Law Chambers exclusively practice in civil litigation. We handle a variety of civil disputes similar to yours and are experienced and qualified to represent you in your lawsuit.